Dr. Dwayne C. Perry

Learn to Navigate Your Spiritual Journey

Visionary Thinking

Many struggle with the idea of what their next is: their next step, next goal, or maybe their next opportunity​. Visionary thinking clears up any blurred lines we may have as professionals while serving in the marketplace. Mastering this skill has no doubt allowed me to arrive in success.

A Vision with a Plan

Thinking beyond the present is key to achieving long term success. Having a clear compelling vision and implementing a plan to bring this very idea to life is what I like to call forward thinking. When building on said vision you should be strategically working towards this until it comes to pass.

James 2:20 tells us, Faith without works is dead.

A Life of Balance

Although visionary thinking causes us to look towards the future. I believe a balanced life is what we should strive for. Don’t be so content with the present that you live a life of stagnation, or become so focused on your future that you overlook what you can control in your today.

Finding middle ground between the two allows you to operate in a space of functionality. I’m never too concerned with the now because I live life with intention. I’m also not weary of my future because I operate in a place of faith. Simply put, control what you can and trust God in what you cannot.

Matthew 6:33 [AMP] So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

When your thinking becomes visionary you no longer view things as they are, but instead begin seeing things as they could be. Take Abraham, Noah, Solomon, and Mordecai; four prominent Biblical figures who did just that. Yes, as cliche as it may sound, you can shape your future both personally and professionally by changing the way you think.

Remember everything isn’t always what it appears to be.

Utilizing visionary thinking as you serve in the marketplace will help shape the future of your business, brand, or personal well being if you choose. I challenge you to change your way of thinking and always remember,

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me [Philippians 4:13].


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Picture of Dr. Dwayne C. Perry

Dr. Dwayne C. Perry

Dr. Perry, known as DP, blends devotion to faith and family with his background as a professional basketball player. Now a Transformational Coach and educator, he concentrates on ministry and managing a Christian Private School alongside his wife.

About Dr. Perry