Dr. Dwayne C. Perry

Learn to Navigate Your Spiritual Journey

How Do I Know I’m Spiritually Gifted?

This is a question I get time and time again. In fact, this is the very question I used to silently ask myself. As a young boy I always felt different. Overtime I’ve matured spiritually and realized that I am peculiar. I can now confidently say I am called, and I am gifted. It hasn’t always been this way however.

How did I know I was spiritually gifted? The thing is I didn’t just outright get an answer, and that’s probably most of us right? Not knowing but knowing. Knowing that we’re not like everyone else, and not in a narcissistic way, not in a braggadocious way. But embodying the feeling (if you will) of being an imposter.

God Sends Affirmation before He Sends Confirmation

While our journeys may look different God is still the Author of all things. Whether we realize it or not, God will always affirm His plans for our lives before He sends confirmation. He will slowly but surely reveal, encourage, and assure us.

Let’s take a look at Joseph: the son of Jacob. Out of his brothers, Joseph was set apart. Like us, he too was different, peculiar, and the “imposter” amongst his brothers. Jacob favored Joseph and for this his brothers hated him (Genesis 37:4). Remember people don’t hate you, they hate the gift that is inside you.

God’s affirmations towards Joseph came by way of his dreams. This is where Joseph learned to hear God even if he didn’t initially understand what was happening. We must note that until God comes back for His Bride (The Church) He will send His affirmation(s) in other ways.

You’re wondering if you’re spiritually gifted so I challenge you to start with this: In what ways may God have tried to commune with me? How has he affirmed (shown, encouraged) or given revelation to me?

Gods Stamp of Approval

After God has affirmed the gift in you, He will follow through with confirmation.

Similar to Joseph, as a young boy the Lord appeared to me in a vision. This was one of my earliest memories of hearing God’s voice. I was being baptized and when I came up from the water He told me I would be a messenger for Him. Affirming Himself to me early, I’ve known from twelve years young that God would use me for something greater than myself.

The Lord confirmed this in His word, He revealed to me the scripture for my life. This scripture gave me clear instructions, and became my divine guide. My affirmation happened in my childhood, and my confirmation came during my manhood.

You Are Called You Are Gifted

Before David was King, he was a shepherd to his fathers flock.

God chose a king for Himself. He sent Samuel to Bethlehem to have him anoint the new king. (1 Samuel 16:1) When Samuel arrived he invited Jesse and his sons to sacrifice to the Lord. Jesse presented his sons one by one before Samuel, yet Samuel’s response was the same each time “the Lord has not chosen this one.” (1 Samuel 16:6-9)

Jesse had seven of his sons pass before presenting his youngest. David wasn’t even a thought to Jesse. But boy will God stop the entire show when you are the one He has gifted, called, and chosen. While David was tending to the sheep his father called him and then brought him before Samuel. As soon as Samuel saw David, the Lord spoke and instructed Samuel saying “Arise, anoint him; for this is he,” (1 Samuel 16:12).

I leave you with this: 1 Corinthians 12:27(AMP), Now you [collectively] are Christ’s body, and individually [you are] members of it [each with his own special purpose and function].

If you’re asking yourself are you spiritually gifted, remember God will affirm, then confirm, and instruct you every step of the way.



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Picture of Dr. Dwayne C. Perry

Dr. Dwayne C. Perry

Dr. Perry, known as DP, blends devotion to faith and family with his background as a professional basketball player. Now a Transformational Coach and educator, he concentrates on ministry and managing a Christian Private School alongside his wife.

About Dr. Perry